...a community of OT clinicians to help you become that calm and competent neuro OT practitioner....
...where you can learn to help your patients with Stroke and Brain Injury gain function and meaning in their lives.
A Collective of...

kind-hearted, smart (and overwhelmed!!) OT practitioners coming together to learn and support each other.

The OT Collective is a safe haven for becoming the neuro therapist you know you can be...where not knowing is safe and where you can learn in your own way.
In this learning community you will:
Feel good about your treatment plans - learn to set goals, offer interventions, and make HEPs to truly help your patients with Stroke and Brain Injury
Have evidence-informed interventions at your fingertips - stop the late night scrolls!
Be part of an incredible OT community - OTPs make the best support system! 😁
Earn CEU/PDU/CPDs to maintain your license- Earn more than 17+ hours a year! -✔️
Inside The Collective?
1. On-Demand Courses
Over 15 (and growing!) continuing education courses that will help you know how to treat issues like:
a painful hemi shoulder
left neglect
ataxic reaching
shoulder subluxation
memory problems
and so many more Stroke and brain injury areas
Check out what's included here!
2. Collective Calls
Where we dive into evidence and share our collective experiences...
✨At least 2 calls a month, including
Neuro Skill Workshops-continuing education that literally helps you give strong care to your patients
Treatment Planning Support - Yep, we treatment plan together, b/c some patients are really overwhelming.
Journal Clubs* - we look at the research together and figure out how make it part of our OT practice
* Worried you can't make it live? Or prefer asynchronous learning? No worries. You'll have access to all Neuro Skills Workshops and Journal Club recordings.
"What I find most helpful from these courses is realistic intervention ideas that can be directly implemented into practice with patients as well as an education style that is actually effective in building observation, problem solving, and patient-centered skills.
_Liz B.
3. Resource Library
It's like New to Neuro's Instagram page on steroids...and organized :)
➡️Find treatment strategies and interventions for impairments like hemiparesis, cognitive deficits, vision problems, incoordination, and more...
➡️Use our Goals Banks, HEPs, & Documentation Examples to help when you're not sure which direction to go.
➡️Check out case studies to see how other OTs apply the interventions to real patients
"I loved hearing stories of real patient encounters, what interventions you did, and what strategies you use and work on."
4. Community Forum
A place to share between calls:
✌🏼Share how things are going with your patients
✌🏽Ask questions and get intervention ideas
✌🏾Get inspired by posts and shares from other OTs
All of this for only $49 USD month...

New to Neuro's OT Collective...

Where peace and plasticity meet.
Connection - a community that knows your struggles and shares your goals
Growth- practical education to
be the therapist you know you can be
Support - for your
clinical practice and your well-being
Our patients have neurological systems that need our care...
And so do we.
It's for you if you...
are an OT clinician (or student!) wanting to feel confident that you're offering strong treatments to help your neuro patients
treat folks who have suffered a Stroke or brain injury, including traumatic and non-traumatic injuries
feel lost or simply dread trying to plan for your patients each week (Sunday night scaries, anhyone 😱)
are overwhelmed trying to turn research articles into actual treatment sessions
care deeply about giving incredible care to your neurologically involved patients
This probably isn't the best option if you...
prefer traditional, in-person continuing education courses
are looking for only 1:1 mentoring (although 1:1 upgrades are available inside the Collective!)
have a caseload primarily of patients with spinal cord injury and dementia. While we may offer general content on both of these topics, New to Neuro does not currently specialize in these areas.
Need pediatric focused continuing education. The Collective focuses on adult neuro population.
If you want to actively learn how to help your neuro patients achieve their full potential, the Collective is here to support you.

The New to Neuro Promise…
We know investing in your professional development is a big decision, and there are a lot of options to consider.
So here’s our promise to you —
To pour our years of neuro experience into this program — holding nothing back.
To openly and genuinely listen and provide the support and guidance you need to grow into a confident and capable clinician.
To honor the diversity that we all bring to the community, and facilitate a safe place to learn and connect.
I wholeheartedly believe in the transformative power of education, mentorship, and community. If you show up to the calls (or catch the recordings), engage in the community, and continue exploring our library resources – you will find continued momentum inside this Collective.
However, if you’ve joined a Collective Call (or watched the recording), explored the library, and engaged in the community and still find this learning environment isn't supporting your neuro OT knowledge or skills by week 2, we will cancel your enrollment and reimburse you fully.
Online courses and mentorships are (of course) what you make of them, so connect early and often for an incredible experience and accelerated clinical growth.
This is a small collective of committed, driven, passionate OTs and we can’t wait to see you inside!
By the way...have I
introduced myself yet?!

Hi! I’m Jessica
I’m enlivened by deeply listening to what people need for more joy and meaning in their lives…and helping them gain the skills and courage to move in that direction...for both my patients and for clinicians.
I mean, that’s what OTPs do, right?!
I’m an OT and Certified Brain Injury Specialist…a mover and dancer, a mom, an educator, an INFJ, a life-long learner, and a social-emotional skills nerd...
And I advocate for OTPs to have practical education and a balanced and meaningful life.
In order to sustain our careers and our selves, we need
1️⃣the right tools (like real education you can literally apply to help your patients...not just theory and obscure evidence), and
2️⃣permission and support to take care of our own physical and mental health needs...even when the healthcare system doesn't inherently support us.
I remember what it's like to want to know how to help my neuro patients...and simultaneously feel super unsure if what I was doing was the best thing for them. I felt like I knew a lot about OT, but not a lot about how to do OT.
I spent my free time digging for more information and reassurance, wishing there was a way to really know I wasn’t missing anything.
Education is great…but mentorship changed what I knew about therapy and how I believed in myself. It gave me the freedom to practice OT with confidence and accept challenging cases — without sacrificing my social life or my sanity!
Fast forward 20 years and, and I want this confidence for other neuro OTs!
Aaaand also, I had a panic attack during work during COVID...my body could not continue to do all the things at that pace any longer...my body made me listen to itself.
And I want it to be different for the next generation of OTPs. I did not get mentoring and support around self-care, and it's time we changed that.
This is why I started my OT business - to take care of neuro patients, to tend to myself, and to gather and support OTPs on similar journeys.
That's how New to Neuro was born...
I love to see when clinicians start to see they really can clinically reason through their complex neuro cases...their body relaxes and becomes energized at the same time. I've learned...the magic is in doing this work together.
Still have questions about New to Neuro's OT Collective?
Is this only for new grads/ therapists?
Definitely not. Don’t let the “New” to Neuro part fool you. Neuro is so complex and ever-changing, something is always new. Even after 20 years, I still have plenty to learn in this field.
New to Neuro is great for newbie OTs and veterans alike - as long as you have a desire or need to keep learning about neuro. It’s this diversity that adds to the richness of the collective. Experienced clinicians have a lot to share about what they’ve seen over the years, and new clinicians bring us new ideas and tools all the time.
What if I can't join the live calls?
All the Neuro Skill Workshops will be recorded and uploaded into the community. You will be able to watch them and still earn continuing education/professional development units from these lessons.
Note: participating therapists' faces and names will not be included in the recordings (unless requested). And you will always have 24 hours to request any part of your contribution be edited out, as well.
Will the OT Support Chats be recorded?
It is most important that clinicians feel safe being open to share about their doubts and tough cases. We also want to create a real sense of community where we’re really getting to know each other. Because of that, calls that are not workshops or journal clubs will not be recorded.
Can I get CEU/ PDU/ CPD credits?
Pathways Neuro Rehabilitation & Education, LLC is an Approved Continuing Education Provider by the Indiana OT Association (IOTA). NBCOT also recognizes all state-approved programs –so you’re covered there, too.
However, each country, state, and province has different rules about what type of education they allow for their licensing renewals. Please check with your local board to determine your continuing education requirements.
How many CEU/PDUs can I get with my membership?
You will have immediate access to 15+ recorded courses, each worth 1 hour of continuing education. You can also catch the monthly Neuro Skills Workshops if you prefer synchronous learning.
IOTA has approved the Neuro Skills Workshops (and recorded courses) for 1 hour of continuing education (after completing the post-quiz with 80% accuracy). The National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) also accepts these courses for 1 PDU each.
If you are unsure if your state/regional OT board honors continuing education from IOTA, feel free to reach out to me directly at JMiller@pathwaysneurorehab.com and I can help you find out.
How many OT Collective Calls will there be?
There will be an average of at least 2 calls per month, often more. These calls range from Neuro Skills Workshops, journal clubs, and treatment planning support calls. Workshops and journal clubs will be recorded and available to all members.
Can I pause my monthly membership?
Yes, we understand life happens. And we want to support you while also balancing fairness to all members and honoring our need to sustain our business. Our solution: each member is able to pause their membership 1x a year for up to 3 consecutive months. Your billing and access to the community will be paused for those 3 months. Billing and access will automatically resume in 3 months or when you request it to be resumed. Pausing your membership still enables you to keep your current membership rate.
Will cost of the membership ever go up?
The OCs (Original Collectivists 🤓) will be locked in at their rate for their duration of their membership. If they pause their membership (for up to 3 months), it will resume at that same price. If, however, a member cancels their membership and chooses to re-join at a later date, they forgo their original membership fee and will be charged the current Collective rate. It is expected that the rate of the membership will go up in the future, as membership grows. So get in from the start and you're guaranteed to lock in your rate!
What diagnoses and topics will be covered in Neuro Skills Workshops and Resource Library content?
New to Neuro is focusing on Stroke and Brain Injury. However, many of these interventions can be applied to other neuro populations (such as M.S., Parkinson's Dx, Spinal Cord Injury, etc).
The Resource Library is broken down into 3 main categories:
Physical Functioning (think Hemiparesis, ataxia, incoordination, sensory loss, lack of mobility, balance impairment), etc)
Cognitive Rehab (like attention, memory, executive functioning, awareness, and more), and
Functional Visual Skills (including oculomotor screening and assessment left neglect, visual field cuts, double vision, etc.).
The Foundational Lessons will include evidence-informed education on these 3 main areas of practice Stroke and Brain Injury recovery. Neuro Skill Workshops will also explore topics like ADL and IADL Hemi Hacks, group therapies, returning to work, patient and caregiver education, and more.
Who will be presenting the Neuro Skill Workshops?
New to Neuro's primary mentor, Jessica Miller, OTR, CBIS, will present many of the Workshops, especially those pertaining to Stroke, Brain Injury, Cognitive Rehab, Hemiparesis, Sensory Processing, and more. We will also collaborate with other OT specialists and Stroke/BI Survivors.
What if I have a hard time speaking up on group calls?!
I'm a generalist, but I want to learn more about neuro rehab...is this program right for me?
👋🏽Hi, you're talking to one :) I've got you! I have decades of experience facilitating groups and have been part of an online OT community for years now, where I've learned some amazing facilitation techniques to create an open, yet structured community learning environment. Here are some ways to help balance the group calls:
You are welcome to submit a message to me prior to a call. I will either incorporate that question into the call or directly call on you to share (depending on your preference).
You can click the emoji "hand raise" button in Zoom and I'll know to invite you to share.
You're always welcome to share in the chat (and can DM me directly if preferred)
I will also invite those who share easily and often to be aware of taking a breath and creating space for those who need a moment to find their way into the conversation.
The New to Neuro Program is for any OT student or clinician who wants to increase their skills with neuro patients. You don’t have to work in a neuro rehab unit to benefit from this mentorship program… but it would be helpful to have a few neuro patients on your caseload so you can bring specific questions and try out new techniques in real-time.
I'm a student, is this program right for me?
If you want to learn more about treating neuro patients on your caseload, then Yes! You are very welcome in our community. I love seeing student OTPs take control of their education. Because frankly, most of us didn’t get enough neuro education in school.
Here’s what one student has said, “I loved hearing stories of real patient encounters, what interventions you did, and what strategies you use and work on. I am super interested in Neuro population so this...kept me intrigued the entire time. I am going to an Outpatient Neuro clinic for my first Level 2 fieldwork next summer, so I am happy to have had this exposure to this content. I will definitely be following..."
I'm already overwhelmed... how much time will this program take?
If you are already spending time searching on YouTube and Google Scholar, the extremely practical videos in our resource library will save you search time. And if the content is not already in there, you can ask your question directly in the Community forums.
We understand some seasons of life are for learning and connecting, others are for just getting by. That’s why you have the option to join calls live when you have time and ability to…or catch the workshop replay at a more convenient time. If you don’t need the continuing education certificate, you are welcome to hop on or off throughout the call so you can also manage life!
If you are entering a busy season of the year, you can also choose to pause your membership for 3 months (once a year).
What is the Collective and what does it include?
The New to Neuro OT Collective is a monthly membership program that understands what it takes to integrate new learning and build confidence as a clinician. That’s why it includes solo learning (through online courses and resource library), group mentorship (through collective calls), and asynchronous learning (through the online forum). It includes
On-Demand Courses (over 15 continuing education courses on cog rehab, visuo-motor rehab, and physical rehab for folks with Stroke and brain injury)
Collective Calls (neuro skill workshops, journal club, and treatment planning support calls)
Resource Library (organized videos, downloadable handouts, and goals banks explaining what evidence-informed interventions look like in practice)
Community Hub (online forum to share how it's going with patients, resources, and inspiration)

"I would recommend this...the passion Jessica shares as well as her effective teaching methods and a"bility to create a safe space to share struggles and find solutions...I found myself excited and inspired in my practice."
~ A Founding Member
A final note from me...
If you’re still reading this, you're a pretty typical OTP;) You're thorough and highly invested in doing all that you can to help your patients.
Which also means you're juggling a lot.
I remember all too well the late nights, researching, and second-guessing when complex cases hit my schedule....on top of crazy productivity and documentation expectations. It's enough to make you feel sick sometimes. I've been there.
I don't want any OTP take this journey alone. I'm inviting you into this community with me... and with other clinicians who want similar things - to know they're providing excellent care to their patients...while not getting burnt out doing it.
You deserve mentorship, support, and guidance as you continue growing as a neuro therapist. AND you likely have things to share with other clinicians! That's the beauty of the Collective.
If you're a little nervous, but also excited...that could be a good sign that this is a just right stretch for you professionally and personally. And if it's not the right time, that's ok, too! You can trust yourself in that decision.
No matter what you choose, I'm here to cheer you on in your neuro rehab journey.
In Peace & Plasticity,

New to Neuro's OT Collective
Where Peace & Plasticity Meet
Here's a recap of everything that's included in this monthly membership:
🧠On-Demand Courses- with 15+ continuing education courses to help you treat your folks with Stroke and brain injury
🧠Collective Calls - with Live Lesson education, treatment planning support, and practical journal clubs
🧠Resource Library- organized videos, downloadable handouts, documentation examples, goals banks and more.
🧠Online Community - forums to talk through tricky patients, discuss research, and share inspiration and resources.
Monthly Membership: $49 USD/month
Annual Membership: $529 USD/year
(10% discount)
1st 5 new members in January get a FREE 1:1 mentorship call
Hope to see you on the inside!!
Peace + Plasticity,
Jessica + the New to Neuro Team